Central america travel guide

The Central American countries stand out from the rest of Americas.
There rich history and breathtaking scenic beauty makes them the favorite place to visit all the year round. With a blend of south and North America the countries like Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama etc. give the continent the finishing touches and add to the diversity of the Americas. The area is always buzzing with activity since ages.
The natural and tectonic activity used to shake the place in the ancient times. The rich history of the place reminds the people of the numerous settlements that took place in the region and today the political scene in these countries is ever dynamic. Thus the over all profile of the place is quite versatile and inviting.
On of the main features of the place are remains of the historically important Mayan civilization. It made a substantial part of the Central American history and still the reminiscent of the past stand as majestic as they might have been. The tourists are filled with a gush of adrenaline when they walk through the corridors of the ancient Mayans. The central markets of the city stand in all their grandeur majesty. The ruins show that the city was an urban hub and the people were pursuing agriculture as their main occupation.
They were socially advanced people and their urban centers were the venues for dancing singing and many recreational activities. One can hear the echoes of the past standing in the middle of the large citadels. The advancement in the Central American region is mainly due to the buzzing political scene and the awareness about the rights. The people are highly conscious about the protection of environment and great efforts are put in to preserve the rich environmental heritage.
The Central American countries have entered in to a free trade pact as per which they are to let the others allow certain facilitations of trade in their trade. Popularly known as the CAFTA, it has proved to be a boon to the countries' economies. The Central American region is known for its volcanic abundance. Each country homes many volcanoes and many of them have erupted in the recent past.
The tectonic rumblings are commonplace and it creates a lot of alarm in the people's minds. The volcanoes are one feature that distinguishes the region form the rest of Americas and it adds to the mystic and magical image of the Central America.But there's one threat that has caused a lot of trouble in the region. The trade of drugs has entangled the region in to the grip of heavy crime.
The world's greatest drug trade can be found in this region. The roots of this criminal activity are deep seated and it has caused a lot of disturbance at the local level. But the comforting fact is that the regions attraction is overpowering on the drug threats. And the travelers are not threatened by these and keep on coming to the place with all zeal. And in the years to come this region will catch up with the rest of the world.